In this full-length Drum Talk TV interview, Mike talks with us about what makes the Winery Dogs so universally appealing, and he tells us who some of his lesser known influences are (including praise for Lars Ulrich and Phil Collins).
Find out which contemporary drummers he admires the most–and who he thinks is the most physically entertaining drummer since Keith Moon.
Mike’s an avid film buff–he recommends a film that’s the ultimate “must watch” –and he encourages you to go and watch it!
Mike Portnoy joins us at the Jan. 2014 Bonzo Bash for a quickie interview, to talk about the new Transatlantic album and tour, the Prog Cruise Progressive Nation at Sea, A Winery Dogs update and the Big Elf album Mike plays drums on. Dan and Mike also talk YES music and the imprint it’s had on their musical sensibilities.
Drum Talk TV Correspondent Kenny Howard sat with Mike Portnoy at Brian Tichy’s East Coast Bonzo Bash. When Kenny asked Mike what the one thing is he would ask John Bonham, Mike was stumped … for a moment.
“I am lost for words for the first time!” Mike told Kenny, and then he had a great question for Bonzo. Watch the interview and find out what it is!