Welcome to “Delivering The Dream,” a documentary mini-series on the inaugural Billy Cobham’s Art of the Rhythm Section Retreat, which took place during the first week of August, 2016. This event and film series is for drummers, bassists, guitarists and keyboard players. This documentary features Billy Cobham and The Spectrum 40 Band, which includes, Dean Brown (guitar), Gerry Etkins (keyboards) and Ric Fierabracci (bass), along with “Drumming Global Ambassador” Dom Famularo and Drum Talk TV’s Executive Producer and Host, Dan Shinder. Jazz guitar innovator and virtuoso Stanley Jordan makes a guest appearance along the way, and of course the two dozen attendees of the event.
Filmed at the beautiful Mesa Arts Center in Mesa, Arizona, you can be a “fly on the wall” to virtually experience what everyone at The Art of the Rhythm Section Retreat experienced in this revolutionary new way to coach musicians on how to be better musicians individually, and together as members of a Rhythm Section. The docu-series also includes some sneak peeks of exclusive live concert footage of Billy Cobham and The Spectrum 40 Band’s concert performance as the culmination to the 10 days at Mesa Arts Center, which will be released at a later date.
So get your notepad or open a word document to take gobs of notes, because whether you play drums, bass, guitar or keyboards, you are in for a real treat! Or, you can just pop some popcorn, sit back and relax this first time around and enjoy getting to know Billy and the gang and enjoy the awesome music. You can then watch this over and over to soak it all in!
Watch for the new documentary from the latest Retreat … it’s coming soon!
Watch Billy Cobham’s Art of the Rhythm Section Retreat
We filmed this groundbreaking week-long event in August (2016). It features Billy and his Spectrum 40 Band: Dean Brown, Gerry Etkins and Ric Fierabracci, along with Dom Famularo “The Global Ambassador of Drumming,” special guest jazz guitar virtuoso Stanley Jordan, and Drum Talk TV’s Dan Shinder. This innovative way of coaching musicians was attended by people ages 12 to 60+ from 5 countries; They all become part of the story, while you become a fly on the wall!